Fall is the perfect time to start engaging your loved one in brain exercise through memory games for seniors. These games can be played outdoors on your patio or while picnicking in your neighborhood’s park. Even though your loved one may be intimidated by the word ‘memory,’ a little encouragement to play can really benefit their cognitive function.
Read this article to learn about the importance of memory games for seniors, what games will benefit your loved one’s cognitive function, and tips for incorporating these activities into daily life.
The Importance of Memory Games for Seniors
Now, let us talk about why your loved one needs to start to play these memory games now.
Cognitive Decline and Aging
Memory games act like exercise for the body’s general health. The more active the brain, the healthier it becomes. That is why playing memory games is so important to maintain cognitive health.
One study showed that memory games help improve working memory, which is responsible for storing information for understanding, learning, or thinking about something. Moreover, memory games are also beneficial for short—and long-term memory recall.
Playing memory games also requires comprehension and deeper thinking. With that thinking process, the frontal part of the brain (the governing area of the brain) is engaged, and its neurons will form new connections. When your loved one has a better working memory and executive function, day-to-day challenges can be tackled more easily and confidently.
Emotional and Social Benefits
Any game, including memory games, is designed to be challenging but exciting. That being said, memory games are perfect distractions from the stress or anxiety that often comes with aging as your loved one’s mind is preoccupied with finishing the game’s task. Also, playing memory games can release endorphins that will bring joy to their day.
Memory games for seniors usually have levels. Even the smallest achievement, finishing a level in a simple game, will boost your loved one’s mood and self-esteem. When the games are played with other people, like caregivers, families, or friends, shared conversations and laughter will also prevent your loved one from feeling sad or lonely.
Types of Memory Games for Seniors
There are many types of memory games for seniors that you can choose from. Here are some of our best ideas:
Card and Board Games
Stimulating games don’t have to be complicated. Simple card games like Go Fish, known to protect against cognitive decline, can be played by almost everyone in your family, providing a chance to interact between different generations. If your loved one starts to forget some things, try to play memory card games.
Board games like chess can also train someone’s ability to solve problems. If chess’ difficulty level is too high, try scrabble instead. This game is beneficial for word recall, memory attention, executive function, and visuospatial skills. However, completing these two games sometimes takes patience and encouragement.
Puzzles and Word Games
Almost everyone has played jigsaw puzzles at least once since they were kids! This nostalgic game is known to slow the impact of aging on the brain. But little did anyone know, this puzzle is also a great mindfulness exercise by allowing the brain to enter a state of calmness similar to meditation.
Crosswords are also a good idea if your loved one is a ‘word’ person. This game can be played anywhere, anytime. Not only to kill time, this game serves a bigger purpose to delay the onset of memory loss for people with dementia or Alzheimer’s. These days, you can easily get large-print printable crosswords from online sources.
Digital and Mobile Apps
The rise of technology has made it possible to access digital cognitive training games anywhere, anytime. Popular platforms like CogniFit and Lumosity provide scientifically designed games that target specific cognitive functions. Digitalization also allows the apps to track progress over time and let your loved one see any improvement made.
DIY Memory Games
If there’s ever a time when you cannot access any of the games discussed, don’t fret. You can still play these DIY memory games without needing equipment or gadgets whatsoever. Simply do a daily object recall where you ask your loved one to memorize daily items and recall those items later. Or, encourage your loved one to tell you the past life story, which can also give you both a sense of warmth and a nostalgic feeling.
How to Incorporate Memory Games into Daily Routines
Now that you have the list of memory games for seniors in your pocket, let’s move on to how to incorporate this activity into your loved one’s daily routines.
Morning Brain Warm-ups
Just like the body, the brain will also benefit from a quick ‘warm-up’ routine in the morning. Playing a simple memory game in the morning will help the brain ‘wake up’ and prepare it for tackling the day. However, to see impacts, you need to encourage your loved one to make it a regular morning routine and try to stick with it.
But don’t forget that cognitive decline or other health issues are very difficult and can take a toll on their mind and body. If today is not a good day to play a game, try again tomorrow, and so on.
Game Time with Family and Caregivers
Social interaction is extremely important for your senior loved one, and playing memory games for seniors with family, friends, and caregivers can provide that opportunity. Try to involve your family and friends by inviting them to a scheduled game time. With this gathering full of laughter and meaningful conversations, your loved one will have something to look forward to every day.
Evening Brain Stimulation
Before bedtime, you can facilitate brain stimulation through memory games for seniors, like jigsaw puzzles or matching cards, to maintain cognitive health without overwhelming the mind. Playing memory games in the evening can have a calming effect, preparing for a restful night’s sleep. These activities are both stimulating and relaxing, allowing your loved one to wind down and reducing anxiety and stress before bed.
Benefits of Incorporating Memory Games into Senior Care
Strengthening Cognitive Abilities
As we mentioned earlier, memory games are like exercises for the brain. The more active the part of the brain responsible for problem-solving needed for finishing a game and keeping memory, the stronger the cognitive ability of your loved one.
Reducing the Risk of Cognitive Decline
Playing memory games can reduce the risk of cognitive decline, as proved by a study on neurology and aging that showed an association between mentally stimulating activity, playing memory games in this regard, and reduced risk of mild cognitive impairment. That activity, combined with social interaction, can significantly impact your loved one’s mental agility.
Improving Emotional and Social Well-being
People are social beings, period. That’s why playing memory games with other people allows your loved one to talk to someone else, which can be very beneficial. Completing a simple memory game can also lift your loved one’s spirit, improving emotional well-being.
End Note
After you learn about the importance of incorporating memory games for your loved one’s cognitive and mental benefits and the many different types of games you can choose, your job now is to try to incorporate those memory games into your loved one’s daily routine. By playing together and giving encouragement, you are doing something impactful for your loved one’s health and well-being.
If you can’t facilitate memory games for your loved one every day, reach out to our team at An Answered Prayer Home Care. Our dedicated caregivers will help facilitate those memory games and more.